Ons Stad (article p.33 - 12/24)
Medium Format Magazine (article - 02/22)
Vulkan mag (editorial - web)
Bon temps magazine (1 print cover & 2 editorials)
Femmes magazine (6 print covers & editorials)
Premium magazine (print fashion editorials )
Luxuriant magazine (12 print covers & editorials)
Modelstopia (web editorial)
Piano international (print cover of Mr. Jean Muller)
Made in Luxe magazine (3 print covers & fashion editorials)
Glamour Iceland - Article portrait of Sylvia Kristin Olafsdottir
Leica international newsletter (product shot) - web
Vogue Italy - "Mad Max Beauty" - web publication
Belval Plaz’ART - 04/2019
Art on the Street - 11/2018
Lux Art Week - 10/2017
House of Braves - 09/2016
Ezri Kahn at House 17 - 06/2015
Food for your senses (video installation) - 05/2011
Contact :
info @